By steve anyebe.
- Always remember that it is only politics, not war.
- Never use foul or insultive language on another person.
- Never ever forget that it is a contest in which only one winner can emerge at a time. So shake hands with the winner if you lose. It could be your turn tomorrow.
- Tell the electorate what you or your candidate can do for them if they vote for him/her, and not what you think another contestant has failed to do. The voters will take you more seriously if you engage in campaign based on issues rather than attacking the personalities of other contestants.
- Get a good grasp of the constitutional functions of the position you or your candidate is aspiring for, so that you do not face embarrassing questions during campaign. Voters are much more enlightened now than before.
- Avoid saying or doing things that can attract litigation to yourself or your candidate. The Law has become very stringent with electoral offenses, so take time and understand the new Electoral Law very well.
- If you are not sure of anything, *steer* clear of it.
- Remember the golden rule of life always: *DO UNTO OTHERS ONLY WHAT YOU WISH THEM TO DO UNTO YOU.*
- When you forget the rules, remember No. 9!
_N/B. Recite these rules of engagement every morning._